Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Weddings and Cans of Worms

By now the news of Prince William's proposal to Kate Middleton has spread across the world, warming the hearts of millions of anglophiles and royalists. As a member of the Commonwealth, Australia is particularly susceptible to 'royal wedding hysteria' but whilst the media has jumped on the story it has also unleashed another news angle that continues to return like a zombie in and open grave.

Yes, the call for Australia to become a republic is back again. Now, despite the fact that according to simple logic, there is no correlation between Prince William's marriage and his immediate ascension to the throne, the debate of Australia becoming a republic has risen from the dead. This morning on ABC News 24 Joe O'Brien chaired a discussion between, David Flint, National Convenor Australians for Constitutional Monarchy and John Warhurst, Deputy Chair of the Australian Republican Movement on, you guessed it, whether Australia should become a republic.

Now this is a perfectly valid discussion to have but it does reveal just how paper thin stories like these are, relying on 'value adding' news angles to provide the depth which the wedding itself can't sustain. Prince William will get married and there will be plenty of media coverage but then he will go back to living his probably rather normal life. In the mean time, expect more of this sort of coverage:

The Punch - Can Kate save the English Royal family?
The Australian -
Cautious Prince William 'learns some lessons from the past
ABC News -
Royal engagement 'warms Australia's heart'

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